Apex Legends Players Outraged as Hackers Exploit Empty Ranked Servers for Boosting

  • Layla Pennington
  • Dec 21, 2022
  • 450
Apex Legends Players Outraged as Hackers Exploit Empty Ranked Servers for Boosting

Apex Legends players have been left outraged after discovering that hackers are exploiting empty ranked servers in Bahrain to boost their accounts to Predator and snipe high-level players. The servers are almost completely empty due to the location of Bahrain, which has caused most players to migrate to other, more populated servers.

This has allowed hackers to boost their accounts without fear of being reported or getting into a party with other players trying to snipe each other. It has become a popular method for hackers to gain an advantage over other players, and many players have been left frustrated by the unfairness of the situation.

The developers of Apex Legends have been aware of the issue for some time but have yet to take any action to prevent it. This has caused many players to become increasingly frustrated with the lack of action from the developers, and many have called for the developers to take action and put an end to the exploitation of empty servers.

Players have also suggested that the developers should implement a system that prevents players from boosting in empty servers or even remove the Bahrain server altogether. This would help to prevent hackers from exploiting the empty servers and give players a fairer playing field.

Apex Legends players have been left frustrated by the lack of action from the developers, and many have called for the developers to take action and put an end to the exploitation of empty servers. If the developers do not take action soon, then it is likely that the issue will continue to plague the game and cause further frustration among players.

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