Spotify's Car Thing Was Unlocked Allowing Mods to be Installed

  • Layla Pennington
  • Oct 24, 2022
  • 466
Spotify's Car Thing Was Unlocked Allowing Mods to be Installed

If you're a Spotify fan, then the Car Thing might have caught your eye. Unfortunately, it's no longer available for purchase. Why? Because it was a bit of a flop. In fact, it was so unpopular that Spotify only ever made a limited number of them.

So what exactly was the Car Thing? It was a device that you could plug into your car's cigarette lighter socket. It had a large display screen and physical buttons, and its purpose was to let you control Spotify hands-free while driving. Sounds great in theory, but in practice it wasn't very user-friendly. The buttons were confusing to use, and the display wasn't very clear. Plus, it didn't work with all cars, so many people couldn't even use it.

Recently, Frédéric Basse and Nolen Johnson were able to unlock the Car Thing allowing new mods to be installed on it. The problem is that this device is very low on RAM, which means that it will not be able to run on any modern Android. In theory, Android 10 should be useable with its 512 Mb RAM requirement, but there is no guarantee that the performance will be stable.

At the end of the day, some people might figure out how to extend the life of the Car Thing by installing new mods on it, but if you're looking for a way to use Spotify in your car, Android Auto is a much better option than the Car Thing from Spotify.

Android Auto is available in a lot more cars than Car Thing. And it's not just limited to cars - you can also use it in trucks, SUVs, and minivans. It is less expensive than Car Thing and it doesn't require any extra hardware.

Do you own a Car Thing and how was your experience with it? Are you going to try and install some new mods on it? Please tell us what you think in the comments down below.


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