In Secret Neighbor: Hello Neighbor Multiplayer, players take the roles of the character in the original Hello Neighbor game and their neighbour, respectively. Hello Neighbor Multiplayer is a spinoff of the popular horror game, Hello Neighbor.
Secret Neighbor: Hello Neighbor Multiplayer
In this multiplayer mode, players take the roles of the character in the original Hello Neighbor game and their neighbour, respectively. Players scan the map for their neighbor's house and have to break in and catch the neighbour in the act of making a noise. Once a player has caught their neighbour, they have to return to their house and lock the door to avoid being caught. In multiplayer mode, players can choose to play as a human being, a computer controlled character, a player controlled character, or an AI controlled character. Every player starts with a flashlight, and the goal is to complete a number of different objectives before the other players, who are also trying to complete the same objectives. The only way to stop the AI controlled character is to shine the player's flashlight at them, and there are a number of different AI controlled characters with different abilities and different AI programming.
The graphics in this multiplayer mode for Secret Neighbor: Hello Neighbor Multiplayer are the same as the original game. The graphics are cartoon-like and do not have a lot of detail.
The replayability of Secret Neighbor: Hello Neighbor Multiplayer depends on how much players enjoy the game. If players enjoy this game, they will enjoy playing it again after they finish the game. There is replayability in this game because there are a number of different objectives and a number of different ways to play. Players can also play against friends and there is a leaderboard.
The game offers a new experience to players, which makes it fun to play. The game is also easy to learn. The lack of other game modes and other modes than the multiplayer mode makes the game less replayable.
- The multiplayer mode is fun because it offers a new experience to players
- The multiplayer mode is easy to learn
- There are no different game modes
- There are no other modes than the multiplayer mode