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Betrayal Collection

Betrayal Collection Summary


Betrayal Collection is a game by the company "Cephalopagus." The game is a puzzle game, in which the player must guide a white cube, which is the protagonist, to the exit of the level. The protagonist has a special ability to launch a projectile in a direction. To get to the exit, the protagonist must launch the projectile in the direction of the exit, and then use it to propel him/herself to the exit. The protagonist cannot be launched in a direction of a wall, and cannot be launched in a direction that has a projectile in it. The player has a limited number of projectiles, and must use the projectiles wisely.

  • Is very user-friendly
  • The game can be played on the go
  • The game is free
  • Is easy to learn
  • Is good for all ages
  • The game is replayable
  • The game is suitable for all ages
  • Short game-play
  • The game feels like it is just an app
  • The game is not very exciting
  • The game is not very challenging
  • The game does not offer much variety

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